Franda Graves
Certified Executive Coach, Certified Recovery Coach (specializing in both substance and behavioral addictions), an NLP Practitioner, Timeline Practitioner, Certified Mentor Coach, DEIJ Specialist, and the list goes on.
Who Am I?
Great question!
I am a coach that believes in action, not reaction. My clients want more than what they have today. They recognize that they are moving in a direction that is no longer serving them. I partner with clients that, instead of waiting to be stuck, recognize that forward movement, forward action is not happening. Stuck is coming! Why wait?
Metaphorically speaking, instead of waiting for the inevitable ‘stuck’, before stepping into the abyss, we work together to build a bridge, throw out a creative lifeline, or simply stop at the edge and create a new and resourceful journey to success.
A Journey with Franda means digging deep into your own resources, challenging that internal chatter, that conversation of “I should’ve, I would’ve, I could’ve”….how tiring is that?
So allow me to introduce myself.
I consider myself a person of inner strength and resilience. I am also a person that is introverted and a bit shy. My introversion sometimes requires me to spend time in introspection, in quiet reflective environments where I can think deeply and connect with my inner thoughts. I once saw introversion as a sign of weakness though now I know it helps me to see what is real, meaningful and authentic.
My shyness, on the other hand, is my superpower! Yes, my superpower! It is a part of my personality that I have learned to navigate. It is no longer the hindrance that it once was. It is now a powerful facet of my character that has helped me to develop strong listening skills and a deep sense of empathy.
These traits have given me the ability to tap into my inner strength when faced with challenges or adversity. I have learned to overcome my shyness in situations that demand it (even developing a stage presence as a motivational speaker), and my introversion enables me to approach problems with thoughtful and analytical mindset. I find my power in the ability to listen, observe and reflect deeply and connect with my clients at a deeper level.
As a Mental Resilience Facilitator, my passion is to empower my awesome clients to bounce back from adversity, face challenges, handle stress, adapt to change, build your mental strength and enhance overall well-being.
I work with you to:
- Develop a Growth Mindset
- Practice and Understand Self-Awareness
- Recognize and Build Positive Relationships
- Cultivate Optimism
- Set Realistic Goals
- Maintain Physical Health
- Find Your Escape from the Drama Triangle
- Learn from Adversity and Challenges
- Maintain a Positive Perspective
- Set and Maintain Realistic Boundaries
- Develop Solution-Focused Skills
- Become Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable
- Place Stress Where it Belongs
And more…